From me to you...A Surprise Giveaway

Because you are so wonderful….

I am offering a surprise giveaway from my personal “this and that” box. It is filled with the little things that bring comfort and joy. Some were purchased in my favorite local shops in our town and some on my expat travels. I am the type of shopper with the “one for you and one for me” philosophy when I find things I really love. I always say when you can’t decide on a gift for someone, give them something you love. Chances are if it brings you joy, it will do the same for them too. At least, that’s my hope.

This isn’t the first time I have offered a surprise giveaway, it’s been a few years, but the last time I did this, one of the winners, Lisa, found Tahilla Farm for me. That was the biggest surprise of all!

So…this is where I ask you to have a little faith in me. I have put together a few questions that will help me select the best gift match for you. I am going to have Mr. H assist and draw five winners on September 23, 2020 at 3:00pm EST.

All you have to do….

Just answer these few questions. You can leave them in a comment at the bottom of this page or write to me directly here.

Tell me about you…

  1. Books: What book did you recently recommend to a friend?

  2. Peace: Where do you feel most at peace? By the sea, in the woods….another place?

  3. Learn: Fill in the blank “I would like to learn how to ________”

  4. Dream: I dream of _________

  5. Travel: If you could travel anywhere, tomorrow, where would it be?

Lastly…if you haven’t already subscribed to Collage of Life, I would love to have you join along. You can do so here.

I will start…

Books: I recently gave Plant Dreaming Deep by May Sarton to a friend to help her dream deep.

Peace: I feel most at peace walking in the woods along the Tahilla Farm Poetry Trail.

Learn: I would like to learn how to use my new camera proficiently.

Dream: I dream of the day when we can gather again for a Tahilla Gathering.

Travel: I would be on the next plane to Australia to read a book to my grandson.

Next Steps…

  1. Answer the five questions above in the comment space below or write to me here.

  2. If you haven’t already, subscribe to Collage of Life here.

  3. Five winners will be drawn on September 23, 2020 at 3:00pm EST.

  4. Have a lovely day and thank you for being some kind of wonderful!


Be well and take care my friend,

Jeanne xx

PS…you can find the gorgeous cards above at Belindalovelee on Etsy.


A book list...yours and mine


The Well-Gardened Mind….